Find Your Voice, Fuel It with Strategy

Why Copying Other Writers is a Dead End for You on Medium

Jena Apgar
2 min readApr 11, 2024

The desire to emulate successful writers is natural. But here’s the hard truth: simply copying the style or topics of those you admire won’t lead to lasting success on Medium.

Why? Because the platform (and its savvy readers) reward authenticity and originality.

If you present yourself as a watered-down imitation of someone else, why would anyone follow you when they can get the real deal?

The Power of Uniqueness (And Yes, You Have It)

You are a one-of-a-kind creation. Your experiences, viewpoint, and even your struggles have shaped how you express yourself. That’s your superpower, and writing on Medium is about discovering how to wield it effectively.

However… even the most unique voice won’t get far without an understanding of how Medium works. That’s where strategic learning comes in.

Study Success, Don’t Replicate It

Analyzing the work of writers thriving on Medium is key, BUT with a crucial distinction:



Jena Apgar

Marketing Strategist, Interior Designer, Mother of 4 dragons, and Social Media Weirdo with a weakness for Mint Green Tea and Dallas-esque Champaign Campaigns.